FAQ - What is the Meaning of HistoSure Lot Numbers?

HistoSure antibody vial

The labels on the antibody vials show a lot number consisting of a prefix and batch number, e.g. 1-3.

The prefix (e.g. 1-, 2-, 3-) represents  lots produced from different immunizations.  Polyclonal lots produced from the same immunization all have an identical prefix. Monoclonals always have 1- as the prefix since they always originate from the same clone.

The labels on the antibody vials show a lot number consisting of a prefix and batch number, e.g. 1-3.

The prefix (e.g. 1-, 2-, 3-) represents  lots produced from different immunizations.  Polyclonal lots produced from the same immunization all have an identical prefix. Monoclonals always have 1- as the prefix since they always originate from the same clone.


When the lyophilized stock material of a product is running low, a new batch (10 - 50 units depending on the frequency of sale) is lyophilized. Each new batch undergoes quality control testing. Once the previous lot is sold out, the new lot then becomes available for sale.

Due to this schedule, all products are always on stock and ready for sale. Hence, it is not possible to choose among different lots. Buying the same lot again is only possible if that lot is not yet out of stock.